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Surgery & Medications

In some cases, consequences of a severe birth tear do not get better after time, or even after physiotherapy or any other treatments. Often this occurs when the tear wasn't diagnosed at the time of birth or it wasn't stitched up correctly. 


Medications can be given to alleviate symptoms such as pain. However, if there are real issues with pain and/or scar tissue, or you have a recto-vaginal fistula, surgery may be the only option left. 


This is something you'll have to speak about with your GP/family doctor and/or gynaecology/colorectal surgeon about 


There are some good accounts to follow on Instagram. Such as: @the_babys_ok_am_i and @recover_together_88 



Useful links:


NHS Fenton's Procedure


Perineal Reconstruction **GRAPHIC IMAGES** - OxfordGynaecology 


Nursing Times : Fecal Incontinence 


Birmingham Bowel Clinic: Anal Sphincter Repair







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